Resources related to Cow Eye Community College

The following resources can help you learn more about Cow Eye Community College. Visitors are also encouraged to schedule an on-campus visit during New Prospects week in early summer. Please call for more information.

Campus map

A message from CECC's new president

Directory of all faculty and staff


Purchase the latest course textbooks from our bookstore

CECC's updated Technology Statement

CECC Facebook page

CECC on Twitter

Yoga resources

"Voices of Cow Eye"

Cow Eye Student Film Festival

"...If love were an animal it would be a ruminant. If love were an academic subject it would be philosophy. If love were the relic of a dying literary genre, it would be a rhyming poem. Or a very long novel. If love were a punctuation mark it would be ellipses...."

- Dr. William Smithcoate, Professor of History

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